Twilight Tuesday is having a 1 year anniversary blog hop today! And what's better is that I'm getting to be a stop on this blog hop!
So, instead of a regular challenge this week, you can go back through the 51 previous challenges and choose one of them to do. How cool is that? So, since I'm new I decided to go back and do the challenge that was from week #17, Jacob Black.
The challenge was to create a project that captures the essence of the special bond between Bella and Jacob.
The comment portion was to "Explain your version of the relationship between he and Bella, or he and the other Quileutes… basically, the essence of Jake. What is the dynamic that draws you in or *GASP* deters you from him. ***note: I don’t intend for this to be a TJ vs TE debate! This is NOT about Edward!*** Do you know someone who is as special as he is to Bella? Does the rebuildng of a car remind you of something or someone? Did someone special teach you to drive (a motorcycle?), or save your life??? et al… Take this any way you want. I just want to see a little puppy love and will abuse my executive power on this one to get it!!!"
So, here's my card, and then I'll explain...

And here's a closeup so that you can see the little paw print cut outs...

I'm definitely drawn to Jacob. He's fun, he's sweet, he's protective, but not overbearing. He's basically an ideal best friend. I do actually have one friend who really did save my life. I've nearly drowned twice(as a kid), and the second time that this happened one of my friends towed me into safety when everyone else ignored my calls for help.(No, I'm not making this up)
So, for this card I wanted something that really said "Jacob" to me. I used the pine forest paper(from Colorbok) and the rocks paper(from DCWV) because they reminded me of Forks and La Push where Jacob and Bella hung out. I used the EK Success Paw Print punch because I couldn't resist, and because I love Jacob as a wolf(and wolves in general). The stickers are from Fiskars/Cloud 9 Design, the pack is called I Love My Dog, ha ha. I used some leftover ribbon from something else. I hope you like it. It was a fun project for me.:)
Now, don't forget to go on to the next stop on the blog hop, which is
Also, check out the lovely sponsors of this blog hop...
Stamp Happens ShopStamp Insanity StampsThe Greeting FarmUnity Stamp Co.Die Cuts R UsSassy Studio DesignsStars Fall DesignsThanks for taking the time to stop here and don't forget the rest of the stops, the chances for blog candy, and the scavenger hunt. If you need more details, go to
Twilight Tuesday! Have fun!:)