Thursday, October 20, 2011

Week 13 Journal Pages

Lucky Number was the theme for this past week’s journal pages, so we were supposed to base our page on a number that was significant to us, whether it be lucky, or unlucky.

9 is my favorite number.  I have various reasons for this, but one reason I love this number is because my children’s names begin with I and X, thus forming the roman numeral for 9.  Also, my husband and I have been married for 9 years.:)


Of course, my daughter outdid me with her page this week…


Now every Friday she asks me what the new theme is and goes off to create her own journal page.:)

But my son couldn’t be left out.  I walked into the front room and found him “doing some cwafting” ,he said…


(don’t worry, I took the Cropadile away before he could hurt himself)

Now we just have to get my husband to join in, lol!

Thanks for looking!



Tracy said...

How sweet that you daughter is doing the challenges right along with you.
So cute that your son wants to cwaft too :)
So neat about your number choice. At least you had one number to use, I dont' have one.

Sara a.k.a. Eternal Princess Ryan said...

That is so cool that both of your kids like to craft, even it seems your son is more into the tools than creative part!!!! LOL! Thanks for sharing, it is awesome!!! (I think that picture calls for a scrap page!!!)